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Haha I've been riffing on the blind men and elephant parable in the context of our culture's desire for certainty for weeks.

I think this idea of disassociation from identifying with your culture currents, your thought herds, even your own identity, is an absolute necessity for seeing through the cultural hemorrhaging we see today, especially if you have any desire to help salve or solve it.

I came across the Isha Kriya meditation just as I was going down this rabbit hole:

1. Inhale, and say to yourself "I am not my body"

2. Exhale, and say to yourself "I am not even my mind"

Only once we've cleaned our identity of it's artifacts, can we fully see that no one is ever commenting on ourselves as we are, but on loose relevant symbols they can speak from experience about. This layer must pealed back without fight, to see the injured party behind it, understand how they are making sense of things, and maybe, if that rider is listening and open, what ways our philosophy can be medicine.

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