Jan 6Liked by Peter N Limberg

A pithy and eerily familiar synopsis of traps encountered along those who dare to grow.

I am reminded of Blake's paradoxical wisdom "if the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise" (Proverbs from Hell) with one of your closing lines:

"Such a strange thing: staying long enough with the impossible alchemizes it into the possible."

Also consider the Fool's journey along the Major Arcana of the Tarot as he gleefully steps towards the precipice.

The nigh impossibility of the particularity of our mere existence invites the wonder of the miraculous.

May the thymos of your ambitions prevail over the umbral natterings of limitation in the crucible of transmutation from imaginal to actual.


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Love this line: "May the thymos of your ambitions prevail over the umbral natterings of limitation in the crucible of transmutation from imaginal to actual."

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Jan 6Liked by Peter N Limberg

Learning through action and reflection on experience, jumping off a cliff and sprouting wings on the way down, as Kurt Vonnegut advises. I'm in a similar place right now, the tension between apprehension and excited anticipation. Much of life is an act of faith.

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Jan 7Liked by Peter N Limberg

I feel called out. I like it. Great timing on this one.

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Jan 6Liked by Peter N Limberg

There is great wisdom here.

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Jan 6Liked by Peter N Limberg

Good luck brother Peter! Rooting for you

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Jan 21Liked by Peter N Limberg

I've been working on "I can't know if it's right, but given what I know and the care I have, it's the rightest for now, and if I'm responsive, I can amend and fill out and 'right' (as in course correct)." Thanks for this article, I so appreciate the inquiry you invite, the layers and depth. Looking forward to sensing into what I want to do with this perspective.

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The most important concept that my sanga taught me was that of groping; searching blindly in the dark for something, not knowing exactly what it is that you might find. I feel the constant longing, and my crow desires this shiny object, my crow is less foolish than most.

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Hi Peter: Quite an image goes along with this post. I assume that your readers would be curious as to the nature of the relationship "fart" that set this post in motion but I would not like to 'air out' some of my relationship farts either. On another note, I just noticed a San Francisco address. Are you physically operating from San Francisco?

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TLDR: fancy mindsets are not important, only determination to achieve, regardless of difficulty, is important.

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