Sep 23, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

Can you feel it in your body...the change that is coming? It has felt unbelievably heavy hasn't it. Dragging one downward into a spiral of dispare and grief. During the decent into darkness, the unknown lays in wait, ready to pounce and rip out the throat of the old Culture, to make way for the new that is forming in its infancy. All things have their 'time' and 'place' and eventually, IT too will have to let go and die, to make way for the incoming era. Time and space is cyclical it seems, forever circling back on each other like a mighty wave crashing upon the shores of the Future. Lisa Zengirl Hagen

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

Lisa and Erg, feeling it, and it makes me cry when I find it leading straight back to the heart every time. So simple. Why is it always so complicated and hard this churn?

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

Embrace the churn. 🌹

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

The third. A triangulation that moves our dance from the agony of the oppositional binary. I have been fascinated by the zero point, thinking it was the middle between the polarity. Is it not too linear, this back and forth, to and fro? The freeze btw flight or fight. Is there more there to be mined?

My grandfather in a tent at the top of a mountain pass during a gold rush centuries ago. Frozen. He continued moving for he had dreams of a new life. Years later his end behind a plow with his 12 children around him while he harvested his fields three thousand miles away. My mother the first of her generation to speak English.

Thank you for your thawing visions. I see them too, but the cold on the mountain in the meantime. The war news was daunting this morning. 🥶

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I want to believe a new culture is coming. In fact, a new one always comes. I’m not sure I will see it. But I’m here to help seed it. “Ancestors in Training” is my orientation. I’ve plied my trade within social justice movements. I continue to honor the aim. But I don’t see the posture, the inhabiting a pole, as having any real possibility of moving us towards the new. All this to say that yes, I am with you. And I know that there are many of us who are longing for this possibility that you are pointing us to. Even if they can’t fully articulate yet. Your work is a gift. Let’s #keepgoing

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

Nice! I enjoy that Mike Solana of Pirate Wires describes the culture war as Clown World. There is something to this playful, upbeat vibe you both embody that is genuinely hopeful.

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"A new culture," "demanding a heightened presence uncommonly practiced." These words, extremely unerring to no end. For me, it is proverbial yet true: back to nature, perhaps back to just little distraction, small peeks of massive engagement. To take things, as Nishida put: as purity of experience. Thanks for this.

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"Leave everything you know behind". What needs to be let go of is everything we know or think we know. Yes, we have shared consciousness but thought, what we know, or illusion of self and time steers or tricks us away from the "insight" of "shared fate". In a sense, we all know this but we collude acting as if our day-to-day choices don't impact "all" or "one". as co-creators. What choices would you make if you believed that your choices affect all humanity and that you always got what you wanted? Musings for a Saturday morning. Thank you for the provocation!

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Yet a butterfly always expects the branch to be there.

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Does the butterfly have any choice not to expect? Or for that matter the caterpillar that preceded?

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

I'll keep ya posted! ;)

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

“Stop driving and let go of the wheel” seems to be the theme here in the comments? It’s very scary and also very exciting. Peter, how do you achieve “heightened presence” with no expectation, no selfish goal? I’m trying to understand the quality and process of heightening.

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Poetically speaking, keep your spiritual eyes on an attractor, one that blurs the lines between selfishness/selflessness, shedding foolish expectations the closer you get.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Peter N Limberg

Beautiful. The attractor is something like my bliss?

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Maybe. Try it out and see what happens. 😉

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I got on a high speed electric train in Basel, Switzerland, in the Autumn of 2019, headed for a smaller Swiss town south west of there, for reasons. A man older than me and his wife sat across from me and for the next less than 15 minutes this man and me discussed just about everything. During this conversation he told me that I was fixing a mistake that I had made in a previous life time. This did not phase me at all because it is the truth but it did let me know that he had either read everything I’ve ever written or he was informed by another who had.

Those who control the monetary system of this world are not the Nikola Teslas of this world, I am one of the Nikola Teslas of this world, and what I did to enable the rise of the fossil industrial complex in this world just about ended this world. My “bragging rights” today even while it was a previous lifetime has to include “the death of trillions of life forms”

This is the reality where most of the insects, birds and fish and many of the mammals are today: gone. Recently extincted by the change in composition of the atmosphere which was the result of the proliferation of internal combustion engines. An ICE requires 2 things. First some form of a catalyst which is either the gasoline or diesel fuel which is injected into its chamber and the second is oxygen which is what is required for combustion, or rapid oxidation, to occur. The ratio of these two ingredients is one part gasoline and eight parts oxygen, which is why this planet entered a mass extinction event.

Is there relevance here between what you said and what I said? You bet your life there is. Is it different though? Yeah.

I dunno, no matter the speaker and no matter the topic it may always seem as though while this is the most important subject on Earth: no one is talking about it.


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Emergent Commons is attempting to weave a path between control and chaos through a tiny crack in our shared consciousness. For more information see https://johnstokdijk.com/2011-on/my-projects/emergent-commons/vibing-with-peter/.

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(Yes but... I am not an algorithm. Imperfectly smelly at times.) I do not grok what the incentives might be other than gross survival, so I wonder if the concept of neutrality suspiciously skirts, while simultaneously embraces, the greater good justification of behaving cruelly towards a segment of humanity seen as hindrance to the whole.

Do we trust the algorithm to decide this? Frightened my imagination veers dangerously towards the spectre of the final solution/gas chambers with that “what is normal” equation.

It is late and I am past making sense, so I do hope that translated.

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There has only ever been one class of "other" that we have nervously trusted to surpass us yet nurture us in our imperfect vulnerability. Our children.

Now the techies tell us we are about to create a class of "other" that we must train and then trust in our imperfect vulnerability. If it has general intelligence, may it also have awe and pursuit of wisdom.

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The impact of artificial general intelligence will be profound. So much collective foolishness finally subject to a much more objective meta-perspective.

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Perhaps it is time the myth of the impartial binary is questioned. The thinking that human life is simply another mathematical system. In the same spirit of reductionism I simplistically offer up PI as an example. Squaring a circle.

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I agree that impartial is not a thing. But incentives matter, and when the collective has complex incentives collective foolishness becomes common. We desperately need a neutral that will be trained and incentivized to generate dispute settlements that will not result in outcomes where everyone loses. Such as nuclear war. Or climate change. Or the myriad other products of our collective foolishness.

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