Now that we have broken the spell and are in the third timeline, establishing rules to keep us poetically attuned might be of service. Here is one: do not become a digital virus. In other words, do not make the “self” memeable, attentionally whorrible, and dopamine hijackable.
Whatever you do, do not attempt to go viral. It’s desperate, reeks of spiritual neediness, and only leads to “the mid,” the place where everyone looks different but feels the same because they are operating under the same premise: I must impress and have people attend to me.
No, this is false.
If called to create online, then create online, but create without machinations on how to get attention. If creating from the right place, the right attention will come. This stance does not mean cowardly avoiding attention if attention comes unannounced; it just means not seeking it like a hungry ghost.
The next worst thing than trying to become a digital virus is watching others become one. Unfollow anyone operating under the attentionalist premise. Look away. These fools are playing the wrong game, and watching them is also playing the wrong game, enabling their virushood in a codependent way.
More ensouling games are here to play.
If you have any questions, insights, feedback, or criticism on this entry or more generally, message me below (I read and respond on Saturdays) …